Air Multiplexer Rev7 by Sebastian Morales

For the past two weeks I have been working on ways to individually control thousands of outputs with few inputs. After testing a couple of different things I started working with air, in this case a pneumatic multiplexer that allows control over 16 nuzzles with only 8 valves (n^2=2n).

Perspectives by Sebastian Morales

The idea is to transform this into a 3D print, where if seen from one side an image is visible, if seen from another side a completely different image appears. 

Snake! by Sebastian Morales

Getting to know the tools here at Pier9 has been an amazing experience, I am finally getting a scope of what I can accomplish. I started playing with the objet printers and I am currently attempting to create a snake-like robot capable of climbing trees or posts.

It was all first modeled using inventor and then sent to the multi material printer.